Patty Romano
December 22, 2020

Still filled with shock and amazement!After five different medical professionals, x-rays, MRIs NO ONE had provided any insight from the results of these tests let alone possible cause, result or treatment.The last time I was able to stand with the aid of a walker was August 27, 2023. That rapidly progressed to me NOT being able to stand or walk and I have been in a wheelchair since September 6, 2023.My right side could not support me and I had no strength, no feeling and no ability to move my right leg a) without increased pain, but most especially because my right leg and foot felt like dead weight.Because I was over-compensating by using my left side (leg primarily) that too was now becoming weak and almost useless.Not knowing what else to do -- we searched for a neurologist and I came upon Dr. Turok.With very little to no hope, faith or even expectation at this point, I almost cancelled the appointment. If no other medical professional had an clue or even suggestion or honesty that they didn't know what else to do (aside from handing me prescriptions for medication) why would Dr. Turok?He was open, honest and explained his focus as a neurologist (primarily as a pain specialist). He reviewed my tests from prior doctors and offered a few suggestions, one of which was I.V. vitamin infusion to consider.My husband and I asked some questions and then he left for us to read the literature and did not push for us to make a decision -- just something for us to think about.Out came the phone and my husband began looking into what had been suggested and we both agreed to have Dr. Turok begin a vitamin I.V. infusion that day -- Wednesday, November 1, 2023.Well, it's only been two days and only one infusion and here is what's happened so far:I am able to pick my right foot up off the floor.I am able to begin to move my toes and ankle on the right side.I am able to move my right leg and bend my right knee.I am able while sitting in my wheelchair, to pick my right foot up and hold it straight out for several seconds.And the BEST is I was able today to stand, holding the table at first, but then to let go and stand unassisted for several minutes.That led to trying the walker! I was able to hold the walker and with very small, short baby steps able to walk two feet towards my husband, turn and sit back into my wheelchair!So, how was/is my experience?The second best decision I've made in my life (the first was saying yes when my husband proposed and we married).What he has done for me (us) in just two days after what I've been through words can not describe.I am more than grateful and am very much looking forward to my next infusion (yes I am going back) and with restored faith am looking forward to walking even if for short periods of time, managing the pain and returning to my daily routines and life.I thank God for Dr. Turok and his knowledge and expertise.I would recommend him and his treatments to everyone experiencing some type of ailment/condition! For me and my needs, he's an amazing holistician.His staff is warm, welcoming and compassionate. They help to make you feel safe, positive and are very attentive -- no matter how busy they are.From the moment you meet Katy and begin your visit -- to each nurse and medical assistant that attends to you that day, the experience is not anywhere close to what we have been through these past several months -- you don't feel rushed and you don't feel like "just another patient".They all take the time to listen, to hear and to provide you with the opportunity to feel better!
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