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Back Pain Treatment

Dr. Igor Turok specializes in Back Pain Treatment in Wallingford, CT, and Ridgefield, CT.
Back Pain Treatment

Connecticut Pain Solutions provides pain management and neurology services in Ridgefield and Wallingford, CT. Call 203-724-9290 (Ridgefield) or 203-626-9080 (Wallingford) to learn more and schedule your appointment.

At Connecticut Pain Solutions, we have a simple but powerful goal: to use our technologically advanced, minimally invasive techniques to help you avoid surgery. We treat back pain safely but aggressively in many different ways.

First, we will evaluate your pain to learn whether it is neurological or anatomical, and to determine exactly which bodily structures are affected. Depending on our findings, we might use one or several of the following back pain treatments:

Epidural Steroid Injections

Epidural steroid injections have been used since 1952 for lower back pain, and they are now common for thoracic (mid-back) pain as well. They are typically used alongside other treatments as part of a full pain management regimen.

Nerve Blocks

Many different structural problems can inflame and irritate the nerves of the mid-back or lower back. A variety of different nerve blocks can stop these nerves from sending pain signals to your brain for some time.

Joint Injections

If the pain originates in a specific joint, such as the SI (sacroiliac) joint or the facet joints, steroids and numbing agents can be injected directly into the affected joint. These injections typically provide pain relief for months or years.

Radiofrequency Ablation

Also known as radiofrequency rhizotomy, this procedure is generally performed after a facet joint nerve block confirms the source of the pain. Radiofrequency waves are used to burn off the affected nerve, providing pain relief for up to two years. In fact, some people never need another ablation, even after the nerve regenerates.


Kyphoplasty is a minimally invasive surgery that can treat compression fractures from osteoporosis. The procedure is used to stabilize the vertebrae, restore vertebral height, and relieve pain. Patients generally go home the same day, and recovery time is minimal.

Spinal Cord Stimulation

If your pain is neuropathic, a spinal cord stimulator can bring about dramatic pain relief. We can implant, program, and manage an FDA-approved spinal cord stimulation unit.

Trigger Point Injections

If you have back pain, you likely have trigger points—tightly wound muscle knots that can cause extreme pain. While they can usually be relieved by massage, medication injections can often bring faster and more complete relief.

Medication Management

If you suffer from back pain, you are probably taking one or more pain medications. We offer medication management services, with the goal of helping you gradually reduce the amount of medication you need.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is a key component of most treatment plans for back pain. The other techniques are used to relieve the pain enough for you to be able to participate in physical therapy. Your physical therapist will craft a customized set of treatment goals, and a plan to restore your range of motion and strength, as well as to reduce your pain.

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Full Stories Of Why
Clients Are Satisfied With Our Treatments

Dr. Turok spent the time to discuss my condition and provided alternative ways to try to treat the condition.  He was very knowledgeable. He and his staff were very friendly.   I would highly recommend this practice. This a follow up to my previous post. Six weeks ago I had PRP treatment for hemifacial spasm and blepharospasm for the left side of my face.  I had been suffering for almost 18 months with this condition. The one treatment gave me 75% improvement with my condition.   I had a second treatment today and hope this is as good as the first. For those who have tried other treatments I highly recommend trying the PRP with Dr. Turok.
John Calatayud
I have been recovering from plantar fasciitis and ankle pain for multiple years following multiple basketball injuries and decided to try out Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy a couple of weeks ago. Plantar fasciitis takes a while to recover, so on paper, injecting platelet cells directly into the area will promote healing and speed up this lengthy recovery process so I can get back to my favorite activities as fast as possible. Sure enough, a couple of days after the PRP injection my foot started feeling better. The inflammation has drastically decreased and a lot of pain has gone away. Now, two weeks after the procedure, the foot is still feeling great! Dr. Turok recommends resting the area for 6 weeks after the procedure, so I can only project my injury getting better. Overall, my experience at Connecticut Pain Solutions has been very pleasant. The staff is very friendly and Dr. Turok himself is very knowledgeable and experienced in his practice. The procedure is very quick and painless, so I would highly recommend it to anyone looking to try out new things that might help them during their recovery!
Nikita B
I'm 101 years old and have been in chronic pain in my back and hip for years. I have tried every medication and procedure that has been recommended to me. The only treatment that has given me meaningful relief is the PRP injection provided by Dr. Turok. I am extremely thankful for the relief I am currently experiencing.
Josephine Giordano
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67 Masonic Avenue Suite 2400,
Wallingford, CT 06492
66 Grove Street, Ridgefield, CT