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Regenerative Stem Cell Therapy

Do you suffer from a chronic condition or injury that's left you with damaged muscles or joints? You could benefit from regenerative stem cell therapy with Connecticut Pain Solutions in the Wallingford or Ridgefield, Connecticut, clinics.

If you’ve decided to look into "Stem cell injections near me," look no further than Connecticut Pain Solutions. Our compassionate and knowledgeable healthcare experts can determine whether you're a good candidate for this treatment. Here’s everything you should know about this treatment, including stem cell therapy reviews, what happens, and what conditions stem cell therapy can treat.

What Is Regenerative Stem Cell Therapy?

Regenerative stem cell therapy is the process of injecting stem cells into an injured area to improve healing (by regenerating the damaged tissues quicker). You've probably heard a lot about stem cells and their role in medical research and treatment. But where do stem cells come from, what are they, and why are they so important?

Stem cells are raw cells that haven't formed into a specific type of tissue yet. Under certain conditions, stem cells form specialized blood cells, brain cells, nerve cells, and more. So, with the right knowledge and equipment, doctors can wield these clever stem cells to repair your damaged tissue when injury or illness destroys it.

Regenerative stem cell therapy takes from one of two areas.

  • For bone-marrow-derived stem cells, called bone marrow aspirate concentrate, doctors take the cells from the bone marrow at the back of your pelvis.
  • For fat-derived stem cells, also called lipo-aspirate, doctors take the cells directly from your fat cells. The process is similar to liposuction.

Both these sources of stem cells show promise in regenerative therapy, but BMAC remains the most-used treatment.

Does the Stem Cell-Based Treatment Evoke Ethical Concerns?

If you've heard about all the ethical concerns around stem cell research and therapy, tissue repair with stem cells doesn't present the same challenges. Most of the stem cell-related ethical issues arise from using embryonic stem cells (researchers take these from a fetus that has recently passed away) for testing. Stem cell therapy uses a different cell.

Additionally, in BMAC, you take adult stem cells directly from your own body. That means you won't encounter any ethical questions or have to decide whether you're doing the right thing.

What Are the Benefits of Stem Cell Injections Near Me?

If you're looking for "stem cell treatments near me," you want to know this treatment's benefits. The primary benefit of stem cell regeneration is that doctors can use it to treat several conditions, including:

  • Osteoarthritis, a form of degenerative joint disease that makes movement painful
  • Chronic partial rotator cuff tears, classified by repeated muscle tears in your shoulder
  • Persistent partial tendon tears, which include plantar fasciitis, tendon tear, and tennis elbow
  • Partial muscle tears anywhere in the body
  • Cartilage tears in the knee

BMAC therapy has the added benefit of being minimally invasive with little or no recovery time. It can treat bone death or knit together bone fractures that haven't healed. It can also improve cartilage and bone function and slow the progression of degenerative diseases like arthritis.

Who's a Candidate for Regenerative Stem Cell Therapy?

In general, you're a good candidate for regenerative stem cell therapy if you're a person in generally good health but have one of the conditions or injuries this therapy commonly treats.

Good Health

Doctors use your stem cells to help regrow tissue elsewhere in your body. That means your results will be better if you are in generally good health for the treatment. If you live a sedentary lifestyle, are significantly overweight, or have flu symptoms or other acute illnesses, the therapy won't have the desired results.

Other health issues could put you in danger during the treatment. For example, the following conditions could preclude you from receiving cellular regeneration treatment:

  • Various forms of cancer, and particularly bone cancer
  • Active infections, such as the flu
  • Severe anemia, which is a lack of iron in your blood
  • Blood-related diseases like hemophilia

Stage of Illness

Stem cell therapy generally works best in conditions that haven't yet reached an advanced stage. Even if you're seeking stem cell therapy to treat one of the conditions it can successfully address, if you have an advanced form, your doctor may suggest using other effective methods of treatment or management.

Previous Successful Treatments

If you have a previous history of successful stem cell therapy sessions, you're a great candidate for another treatment. While many people don't need more than one stem cell therapy session, you might develop another condition or reinjure yourself. Then, undergoing the therapy again won't put you at risk provided you're still in good health.

Current Diagnostic Tests

To ensure you're a good candidate for the therapy, the doctor needs updated diagnostic tests. These help show the location where you need treatment and confirm whether your condition has deteriorated. You'll need recent copies of the following:

  • Updated medical history
  • An imaging test like an ultrasound or X-ray
  • Blood tests

Your doctor may order these tests at your initial consult meeting.

Surgery Referral

If your doctor has suggested surgery for conditions like a torn rotator cuff or damaged tendon in your knee, ask them about stem cell therapy. It is much less invasive and less painful than other therapy, with few people requiring any recovery period at all. Compare that to surgery, and stem cell therapy looks like a great alternative.

What Happens During Stem Cell Therapy?

You don't have to feel anxious about searching, "Regenerative stem cell therapy near me." The process only takes around an hour. It often doesn't require a recovery period and many people won't feel any pain.

Initial Consultation

When you reach out to your doctor about stem cell-related therapy, they'll spend some time determining whether you're a good candidate. They'll ask about your medical history, current condition, and health and most likely do some imaging and blood tests.

Use this time to ask your doctor about any questions or concerns you have about the treatment. You'll probably want the doctor's reassurance about the risks involved, the level of pain you'll feel, and whether you'll have a longer recovery than normal.

For some patients, the doctors devise a pre-treatment plan to better prepare your body to optimize the treatment. Trust your doctor and follow these directions exactly.

Undergoing Stem Cell Treatments Near Me

You might expect a procedure like this to take hours, but most people complete the treatment in 45 to 60 minutes. You'll experience the following process:

  1. Change into a hospital gown so that the doctor has better access to your hip and the treatment site.
  2. The doctor cleans your hip and then injects a local anesthetic. You'll feel a slight pinch in your hip. Most people categorize it as minimal pain.
  3. After waiting a few minutes for the anesthetic to set in, the doctor inserts a needle and syringe to draw out your bone marrow. You may feel some small discomfort or pressure.
  4. The doctor then concentrates the solution and combines it with growth factors to activate the stem cells. This can take several minutes.
  5. With the solution ready, the doctor will use an ultrasound to guide the injection to the exact treatment site. You might also feel some minor pain or discomfort at this point.
  6. After the injection, the doctor will ask you to wait for around 15 minutes to ensure you don't experience any adverse effects from the treatment.

The vast majority of people don't experience any problems after stem cell therapy and can happily drive home.

After the Treatment With a Stem Cell Therapy Dr.

Most people don't require any special recovery from the procedure itself. However, depending on the condition you're seeking treatment for, you may have additional considerations that require you to spend some time recovering.

Whether the doctor gives you pain medication or requires a more extensive recovery process, follow their directions exactly to ensure you have the best possible chance to optimize the benefits. Regardless of whether you need a recovery period, your doctor will schedule at least one follow-up consultation to determine how successful the procedure was. Even with successful treatment, you might not notice improvement for 6 to 12 weeks, although some patients feel better in as little as two weeks.

Do Stem Cell Therapy Reviews Reveal Any Risks?

In general, regenerative stem cell therapy doesn't pose any major risks, but some people may experience some minor reactions. The FDA approves the treatment for certain conditions and considers it safe because the treatment takes cells from your own body (this presents a very low risk of rejection or allergic reaction).


In rare cases, you may develop an infection at the sight of your injection. A few days of swelling, fever, and discomfort are normal, but if you feel sick more than three days after the procedure, contact your doctor to determine if you contracted an infection.

Lingering Pain

Most patients experience minor pain for three to five days after treatment but easily manage it with ice and pain medication. In rare cases, you might feel more severe pain, or your minor pain may last more than five days. In these situations, contact your doctor to determine whether the procedure caused the pain.

Injection Site Irritation

Most people feel minor and temporary discomfort at the injection site. These sensations may include swelling, itching, and tenderness. The agitation may last for up to three days, but if it's still uncomfortable after five days, call your doctor.

What Do Patients Say About Stem Cell Therapy?

In general, patients have positive things to say about stem cell therapy for tissue regeneration. Results are more positive in people treating an injury (like a torn rotator cuff) rather than a degenerative disease like arthritis. Talk with your doctor about reasonable expectations, but you have a good chance of experiencing at least minor pain relief after the procedure.

Schedule Regenerative Stem Cell Therapy With Connecticut Pain Solutions

If you believe you'd benefit from regenerative stem cell therapy, you want a provider you can trust to conduct the treatment safely and effectively. Connecticut Pain Solutions has a reliable reputation with a knowledgeable and friendly stem cell Dr. who can deliver quality stem cell therapy. To book an appointment in Wallingford or Ridgefield, CT, call 203-626-9080 today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the answers to the most common questions about RSC therapy.

How Long Does Regenerative Stem Cell Therapy Last?

Stem cell therapy can last up to one year, according to Boston Applied Biologics. Many patients do not require repeat sessions to gain the full effects.

How Much Does Regenerative Stem Cell Therapy Cost?

Stem cell therapy can cost several thousand dollars or tens of thousands of dollars, depending on several factors. The number of treatments and specific types of therapy affect how much you'll pay for your entire stem cell therapy.

How Successful Is Stem Cell Therapy?

The success rate of stem cell therapy varies depending on the type you receive and the studies you consult. For example, various reports show a success rate between 45% and 80% six months after the treatment.

Does Insurance Pay for Stem Cell Therapy Near Me?

No, most insurance companies do not include regenerative stem cell therapy in their coverage. Some companies with private insurance, some US military units, and some workers' compensation policies will cover bone marrow aspiration concentration.

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Clients Are Satisfied With Our Treatments

Dr. Turok spent the time to discuss my condition and provided alternative ways to try to treat the condition.  He was very knowledgeable. He and his staff were very friendly.   I would highly recommend this practice. This a follow up to my previous post. Six weeks ago I had PRP treatment for hemifacial spasm and blepharospasm for the left side of my face.  I had been suffering for almost 18 months with this condition. The one treatment gave me 75% improvement with my condition.   I had a second treatment today and hope this is as good as the first. For those who have tried other treatments I highly recommend trying the PRP with Dr. Turok.
John Calatayud
I have been recovering from plantar fasciitis and ankle pain for multiple years following multiple basketball injuries and decided to try out Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy a couple of weeks ago. Plantar fasciitis takes a while to recover, so on paper, injecting platelet cells directly into the area will promote healing and speed up this lengthy recovery process so I can get back to my favorite activities as fast as possible. Sure enough, a couple of days after the PRP injection my foot started feeling better. The inflammation has drastically decreased and a lot of pain has gone away. Now, two weeks after the procedure, the foot is still feeling great! Dr. Turok recommends resting the area for 6 weeks after the procedure, so I can only project my injury getting better. Overall, my experience at Connecticut Pain Solutions has been very pleasant. The staff is very friendly and Dr. Turok himself is very knowledgeable and experienced in his practice. The procedure is very quick and painless, so I would highly recommend it to anyone looking to try out new things that might help them during their recovery!
Nikita B
I'm 101 years old and have been in chronic pain in my back and hip for years. I have tried every medication and procedure that has been recommended to me. The only treatment that has given me meaningful relief is the PRP injection provided by Dr. Turok. I am extremely thankful for the relief I am currently experiencing.
Josephine Giordano
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